I am currently working on a web application project, and I need to upgrade the twitterizer work with LinqToTwitter in order to update the status of a particular user. I have tried different codes, but none of them has worked for me.
Here is one of the examples:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
var auth = new SingleUserAuthorizer
Credentials = new InMemoryCredentials
ConsumerKey = "YourAppConsumerKey",
ConsumerSecret = "YourAppConsumerSecret",
OAuthToken = "AccessToken",
AccessToken = "AccessTokenSecret"
var ctx = new TwitterContext(auth);
ctx.UpdateStatus("hi there!");
When I run the code for the first time, nothing will happen. Afterwards, when I try to run the code for the second time, I get error 403, and I keep getting that error unless I change the UpdateStatus content, and the same problem will happen again.
Does anyone have an idea about that issue?
Twitter will only allow you to post a certain message one time. That means if you've ever tweeted "hi there!" in the past, you can't tweet it again. Because of this, I typically write my test messages to append a DateTime.Now to guarantee unique text.
To help out, the downloadable source code has a project called LinqToTwitterDemos. This project contains examples of using all authorizers and much more. There's also demo code on the Releases page and the Samples page.