Search code examples

Return custom date members Month

If I run the following:

WITH MEMBER [Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Last Completed Month] AS
     IIF( Day(Now()) = 1,
         TAIL([Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Calendar Month],1)(0),
         TAIL([Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Calendar Month],2)(0)
       NON EMPTY
          [Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Last Completed Month]
FROM  [OurCube]
WHERE ([Measures].[NumUsers])

It returns this:

enter image description here

Is it possible to change the script so that instead of using "Last Completed Month" as the column header it uses the actual month "June 2013" ?


  • declare @cur_date   varchar(20), @linked_server varchar(20) = 'YourLinkedServer'
    set @cur_date=datename(M,GETDATE()) + ' '+ datename(YYYY,GETDATE())
    declare @mdx_query varchar(max) = 
    'WITH MEMBER [Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Last Completed Month] AS
         IIF( Day(Now()) = 1,
             TAIL([Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Calendar Month],1)(0),
             TAIL([Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Calendar Month],2)(0)
           NON EMPTY
       [Date].[Date - Calendar Month].[Last Completed Month] as ''' + @cur_date + '''
           ON COLUMNS
    FROM  [OurCube]
    WHERE ([Measures].[NumUsers])'
    set @mdx_query='Select * from openrowset('''+@linked_server+''','''+@mdx_query+''')'
    EXEC sp_executesql @mdx_query

    As for pure MDX solution, there is a way.