Here is the exercise 2.65 of SICP:
Use the results of exercises 2.63 and 2.64 to give Θ(n) implementations of union-set and intersection-set for sets implemented as (balanced) binary trees.
In the chapter "Sets as ordered lists" and exercise 2.62, we already have the union-set and intersection-set for the ordered lists. I have searched the Internet, the answer of 2.65 is too simple to accept, they just convert the binary trees into lists and still use the the union-set and intersection-set for the ordered lists.
In my opinion, we need to convert the sets into binary trees and rewrite the union-set and intersection-set for the binary trees.
So, do I misunderstand the meaning of exercise 2.65 of SICP? Or is there a good answer?
The "simple" answer is correct in this case: the exercise is solved by first converting the trees into lists (in fact, ordered lists because we're doing inorder traversal of the trees), then using ordered-set procedures, and finally converting the resulting sets back into trees. Why is this correct? because the procedure described achieves the required O(n)
complexity using already-existing procedures - no need to reinvent the wheel!
Although a "direct" answer can be written by manipulating trees, it's too much of a hassle, and it'll be very tricky (if not impossible!) to implement in O(n)
without using mutation operations - and up to this point in the book, we have not yet used set!
, set-car!
or set-cdr!