I am calculating TotalHours
of a employee worked in office based on Intime
and Outtime
resultant in the form of hh.mm
like 8.30
So, I wrote below sql query :
SELECT EMPLOYEEID, sum(DateDiff(mi,isnull(In_Time,0),isnull(Out_Time,0))/60) +
sum(round(DateDiff(mi,isnull(In_Time,0),isnull(Out_Time,0))%60,2))/100.0 +
sum(round(DateDiff(ss,isnull(In_Time,0),isnull(Out_Time,0)),2))/10000.0 as
TotalHours from HR_EMPLOYEES
The above sql server query was running correctly intially, but now it is giving following exception:
java.sql.SQLException: The datediff function resulted in an overflow. The number of
dateparts separating two date/time instances is too large. Try to use datediff with a
less precise datepart.
Could anybody please help me to get rid off of this?
You may try this:
select empid,
convert(varchar(5), sum(datediff(minute, [intime], isnull([outtime], dateadd(hh, 19, DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [intime]), 0))))) / 60)
+ ':' +
convert(varchar(5),sum(datediff(minute, [intime], isnull([outtime], dateadd(hh, 19, DATEADD(dd, DATEDIFF(dd, 0, [intime]), 0))))) % 60)
as TotalHours
from HR_EMPLOYEES group by empid
Some thoughts:
ever be null? If so how and why? I am assuming intime
can never be nullouttime
is null
then, the employee is still working, thus the use of getdate()
But it may also be the case that there was a software bug that caused the null
in outtime
could be to make it the midnight of the intime
day. Then this begs the question, how the next day will be handled.I think there may be a lot of edge cases here. You will have to be careful.
EDIT: Modified outtime
to 7 PM of intime
day if outtime
is null as per OP's comment. Used Best approach to remove time part of datetime in SQL Server