so ive heard of %d, but i dont know how to use it. here is what i want to do:
DrawText (hdcWindow, "PLACE IN QUESTION" , -1, &rc, DT_SINGLELINE);
at the "PLACE IN QUESTION" i want to display text and a variable like "text %d" or something, but I don't know the syntax, and how do I dictate what %d will represent when it is displayed?
DrawText doesn't work like printf or something like that. I advise you to look at the MSDN: MSDN: DrawText
int DrawText(
_In_ HDC hDC,
_Inout_ LPCTSTR lpchText,
_In_ int nCount,
_Inout_ LPRECT lpRect,
_In_ UINT uFormat
You need to make a conversion to LPCTSTR, you can have a look into Google, if I find a link i will give it to you, but it make long time i haven't do C++.
Edit: I found :
int number = 1;
CString t;
t.Format(_T("Text: %d"), number);
and then DrawText(XXX, t, XXX, ...);