I've taken the great advice from this answer, checked the file list for libbotan1.10-dev
and found /usr/lib/libbotan-1.10.a
, so I used the linker flag -lbotan-1.10
I've successfully been able to code and compile websocket++, json-spirit, connector/c++, and boost::lockfree::spsc_queue
I'm now trying to use botan's passhash9 to hash passwords.
When I try to compile with
g++ -Ofast -march=native -o btServer broadcast_server_tls.cpp
-I ~/websocketpp-master/ -std=c++0x -D_WEBSOCKETPP_CPP11_STL_
-D_WEBSOCKETPP_NO_CPP11_REGEX_ -lboost_regex -lboost_system
-pthread -L/usr/lib -lssl -lcrypto -ljson_spirit -lmysqlcppconn -lbotan-1.10
g++ gives an error on the #include <botan/botan.h>
line, saying "broadcast_server_tls.cpp:12:25: fatal error: botan/botan.h: No such file or directory
To install on Ubuntu 12.10, I did apt-get install libbotan1.10-dev
How can I correct this?
You should compile as:
g++ "whatever_source_file" "whatever flags you are already using" -I/usr/include/botan-1.10/