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Installing apr on Windows through MinGW, Python not detected

I'm trying to install log4cxx with MinGW on my Windows box but need to install apr and apr-util first.

I've been following the guide on Apache's website and installed the version of Python they listed but get an error about Python not being found:

$ buildconf
buildconf: checking installation...
buildconf: python not found.
           You need python installed
           to build APR from SVN.

I used the Python installer linked in the guide so I assume it's the correct version.

Do I have to tell MinGW or MSYS where Python is and, if so, how do I actually do that?

Also, everything is running 32-bit right now.

Any help would be appreciated!



  • You need to add the location where you installed Python to your PATH environment variable. I would go to the following link that discusses setting PATH in Windows