Can anyone brief how can I implement if then else in Ocamlyacc. I've defined tokens from lexical analyzer(ocamllex) namely IF, THEN, ELSE. For the if statement, I have defined tokens: GREATERTHAN, LESSERTHAN, EQUALTO for integers. I've searched many tutorials but to no avail!
I want to interpret the result and return the value of the expression dictated by the if-else statement.
You have to define rules :
ifthenelse :
| IF condition THEN statement ELSE statement { IfThenElse($1,$2,$3) }
condition :
| INT EQUALTO INT { Cond(EqualTo,$1,$3) }
| INT LESSERTHAN INT { Cond(LesserThan,$1,$3) }
| INT GREATERTHAN INT { Cond(GeaterThan,$1,$3) }
Don't forget to define regular expression for int, in your lex fil