I'm experimenting with cocosmotion, a Rubymotion implementation of Cocos2d. In the tutorial I'm working through, I have a method that takes a struct as an argument. I consulted the Rubymotion and MacRuby docs, but can't figure out how to instantiate a new object based on the struct I need. I think the main issue is that the struct starts with a lowercase letter and Ruby thinks it's a local variable when I try to work with it.
I believe I have the same problem as stated here: https://github.com/MacRuby/MacRuby/issues/121
Is there a solution or workaround?
The struct is defined in Objective-C like so:
typedef struct _ccTexParams {
GLuint minFilter;
GLuint magFilter;
GLuint wrapS;
GLuint wrapT;
} ccTexParams;
The method I'm trying to call expects a ccTexParams struct.
Here is what I've tried:
@mysprite = Pointer.new("{ccTexParams=
When I try it this way:
@mysprite = Pointer.new(:object, 4)
@mysprite[1] = GL_LINEAR
@mysprite[2] = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
@mysprite[3] = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
The runtime error is:
expected instance of Pointer of type `{_ccTexParams=IIII}', got `@' (TypeError)
I also tried:
@mysprite = Pointer.new("_ccTexParams", 4)
@mysprite[1] = GL_LINEAR
@mysprite[2] = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
@mysprite[3] = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
The error:
Can't find pointer description for type `_ccTexParams'
I've also tried to replace it as CcTexParams, _ccTexParams, and just ccTexParams in a bunch of different ways, no versions of it work.
I tried this:
@mysprite = CcTexParams.new
@mysprite.minFilter = GL_LINEAR_MIPMAP_LINEAR
@mysprite.magFilter = GL_LINEAR
@mysprite.wrapS = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
@mysprite.wrapT = GL_CLAMP_TO_EDGE
RubyMotion complains it expected an instance of Pointer, got '#<CcTexParams minFilter=9987 magFilter=9729 wrapS=33071 wrapT=33071>' (CcTexParams) (TypeError)
directly to the method. It complains that it expected a Pointer but got an Array
Perhaps I should just rename ccTexParams
in the lib to something like CCTexParams
? I'm guessing that's not an ideal workaround.
If someone's looking for a solution for this, try Joybox. It's a wrapper for Cocos2D.
Joybox combines the most popular and widely used 2D game engine for iOS, Cocos2D, folds in the amazing Box2D physics engine, and then wraps them up into a clean Ruby API that will make game development faster and more enjoyable for both beginners and experts alike.