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Do-loop in SAS-IML

I want to use a macro do loop inside proc iml like so:

%Let Tab1=FirstTable;
%Let Tab2=SecondTable;
%Let Tab3=ThirdTable;

*&Tab1-3 have been initialised as sas datasets;   

proc iml;

* This works;

use &Tab1;
read all into Mat3;
print Mat3;

* This doesn't work;

%Macro Define_mx;
    %do i=1 %to 2;
    use &Tab&i;
    read all into Mat&i ;
  %Mend Define_mx;

*The two matrixes have not been initialised;

print Mat1;
print Mat2;

In reality I will have to initialise like 50 matrixes so a do-loop is necessary. I can't figure out why the loop can't see &Tab&i as a macro variable. I also tried a workaround with a normal (non-macro) do-loop using substr to concatenate the variable names but it didn't work either. What am I missing here ?


  • Ok, so the macro should be:

    %Macro Define_mx;
     %do i=1 %to 2;
       use &&Tab&i;
       read all into Mat&i ;
     %Mend Define_mx;

    The second amperstand on Tab is necessary as without it the macro processor would try to interpret &Tab as a macro variable (which does not exist). Thus, when trying to concatenate multiple macro variables to create a new one, use &&.