Using the GHC.Exts.Constraint
kind, I have a generalized existentially quantified data structure like this:
data Some :: (* -> Constraint) -> * where
Specimen :: c a => a -> Some c
(In reality, my type is more complex than this; this is just a reduced example)
Now, let's say that I have a function which, for example, requires the Enum
constraint, that I want to act on Some c
's. What I need to do is to check whether the Enum
constraint is implied by c
succSome :: Enum ⊆ c => Some c -> Some c
succSome (Specimen a) = Specimen $ succ a
How would I implement the ⊆
operator in this case? Is it possible?
First note that Enum
and c
are not constraints by themselves: They have kind * -> Constraint
, not kind Constraint
. So what you want to express with Enum ⊆ c
is: c a
implies Enum a
for all a
With :-
from Data.Constraint
, we can encode a witness of the constraint d ⊆ c
at the value level:
type Impl c d = forall a . c a :- d a
We would like to use Impl
in the definition of succSome
as follows:
succSome :: Impl c Enum -> Some c -> Some c
succSome impl (Specimen a) = (Specimen $ succ a) \\ impl
But this fails with a type error, saying that GHC cannot deduce c a0
from c a
. Looks like GHC chooses the very general type impl :: forall a0 . c a0 :- d a0
and then fails to deduce c a0
. We would prefer the simpler type impl :: c a :- d a
for the type variable a
that was extracted from the Specimen
. Looks like we have to help type inference along a bit.
In order to provide an explicit type annotation to impl
, we have to introduce the a
and c
type variables (using the ScopedTypeVariables
succSome :: forall c . Impl c Enum -> Some c -> Some c
succSome impl (Specimen (a :: a)) = (Specimen $ succ a) \\ (impl :: c a :- Enum a)
This works, but it is not exactly what the questions asks for.
The questions asks for encoding the d ⊆ c
constraint with a type class. We can achieve this by having a class with a single method:
class Impl c d where
impl :: c a :- d a
succSome :: forall c . Impl c Enum => Some c -> Some c
succSome (Specimen (a :: a)) = (Specimen $ succ a) \\ (impl :: c a :- Enum a)
To actually use this, we have to provide instances for Impl
. For example:
instance Impl Integral Enum where
impl = Sub Dict
value :: Integral a => a
value = 5
specimen :: Some Integral
specimen = Specimen value
test :: Some Integral
test = succSome specimen