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JQuery UI Slider doesn't work with "value: x", only with "values: [x]"

Here's the JSFiddle Link: (

Problem: The slider bar doesn't move

Here's the JavaScript:

$(document).ready(function () {
    range: "min",
    value: 50,
    min: 1,
    max: 100,

    slide: function (event, ui) {

         $("input.sliderValue[data-index=0]").val("$" + ui.values[0] + "k");

        var delay = function () {
            var handleIndex = $(ui.handle).data('index.uiSliderHandle');

                my: 'center top',
                at: 'center bottom',
                of: ui.handle,
                offset: "0, -74"
        setTimeout(delay, 0);


If I change

value: 50,


values: [50],

then the slider bar works, but then the green shading on the slider bar disappears - as seen in this JSFiddle -


  • this seems to work:

    $(document).ready(function () {
    $("#slider").slider(options = {
        range: "min",
        value: 50,
        min: 1,
        max: 100,
        slide: function (event, ui) {
            var delay = function () {
                var handleIndex = $(ui.handle).data('index.uiSliderHandle');
                    my: 'center top',
                    at: 'center bottom',
                    of: ui.handle,
                    offset: "0, -74"
                 $(".sliderValue").val("$" + ui.value + "k");
            setTimeout(delay, 0);
        create : function (event, ui){
         $(".sliderValue").val("$" + options.value+ "k");

    A: use the create option as a callback function when the slider is done. the UI is empty, so we have to name our options, as you can see in params it's (options = {...}) this will allow us to fetch the preset value by calling options.value B: you should make the slider label update while in the delay function.