I'm trying to run a c++ script from IDL using the CALL_EXTERNAL function. I've been able to get it to work without arguments, but when I try to add an arg, such as a single IDL LONG INT, IDL crashes. with the error:
% CALL_EXTERNAL: Error loading sharable executable.
Symbol: main, File = /home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.
/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.so: wrong ELF class:
% Execution halted at: TEST_EXTERNAL 7
/home/inspired/IDLWorkspace/Analyze Data/test_external.pro
% $MAIN$
The test code I'm using is as follows.
The C++ code:
#include <iostream>
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
int temp = (int) strtod(argv[1], NULL);
return temp;
The IDL code:
pro test_external
c= call_external('/home/inspired/workspace/TestCode/main.so','main', long(2), /AUTO_GLUE)
This code is of course practice code, but if I can't get this to work, then there's no way I'll be able to pass a mixture of arrays, and values.
I am aware that IDL passes everything by reference unless stated otherwise. So I've tried both treating the passed argument as a pointer in the C++ code, and setting the /ALL_VALUE keyword to pass the arg as a value. Neither works resulting in the same error as above. I've read about "glue functions" but I have not been able to find a guide to making them (despite every source indicating that it's 'easy for most programmers'" >.>
Anyway, my options are as follows, and if you can help me with any, I'd be eternally grateful:
Thanks in advance.
I think you are trying to mix 32-bit and 64-bit code. It looks like you are compiling your code as 64-bit, but you are running 32-bit IDL. To check this, IDL prints it when it launches or you can check manually:
IDL> print, !version.memory_bits