Suddenly my page parts defined in for the home page view template are not showing, the content appear fine in the front end but when I try to edit the content, it looks empty and the custom page parts I created are not showing.
I'm not getting any type of error so I don't know where to look.
Can somebody point me in the right direction?
First be sure that pages.rb, under initializers/refinery allows for configuring new page parts (config.new_page_parts = true).
Second, try creating a new database with a different name, changing your database.yml file to connect to the new database (presumably under development), and running migrations. Or create a new database and restore it from a last known good version. If your content is visible in both the front end and the back end after changing databases, all will be well again.
I had a similar problem recently, where Refinerycms would serve content in page views but not in admin layouts. It happened after I reverted my application code by cloning from a shared repository. Not sure why but restoring an earlier version of the database fixed it.