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Guard livereload for non-rails

I currently have a PHP/MySQL based site that I would like to use Guard-livereload for. However, all indicators in the README seems to say that it is only reserved for Rails (or more specifically Rack) based sites. Is this true? Is there a way I can start using Guard-livereload in this LAMP based site?

PS I have used Guard-Livereload before. My problem is that I can't add it to a Gem file to run bundle install as the documentation says for the PHP/MySQL site.


  • You're not going to need a Gemfile in a php-based app. All that the livereload plugin needs is a

    guard 'livereload' do ... end

    block inside a Guardfile.

    I've written up a short tutorial on how to use in a FuelPHP app. For any other php framework, all that's going to change are the watch directives.

    I haven't tested it with apache, nor nginx - only with php's buil-in server - but I don't think there should be a problem for the Livereload Chrome extension to connect as long as the guard server is running.