Here's the steps for using MySQL with Visual Studio 2012 Lightswitch:
- Install MySQL community installer. I used mysql-installer-community-
- Optionally install Amazon AWS Tools and SDK: AWSToolsAndSDKForNet.msi
- Optionally install Microsoft SQL Server Data Tools: SSDTSetup.exe.
- Create a LightSwitch project.
- Select: Attach to an External Datasource to summon the Attach Data Source Wizard.
- Choose: Database as the source.
- In Connection Properties: Hit the Change Datasource button, select MySql Database.
- Enter Server name: (Amazon AWS RDS Endpoint), User name (awsuser?), Password (password).
- Database name: Hit drop down box. Select database. Click OK.
- Import your database objects.
- In Solution Explorer, choose File View.
- Drill down into Server's References. Right click, Add Reference, search for MySQL references, add MySql.Data.Entities. I was presented with several choices with being the one that worked. YMMV.
- You should be good to go.
Step 12 resolves the error: Failed to find or load the registered .Net Framework Data Provider.