I'm trying to find the best way to create a class decorator that does the following:
is calledCurrently, I'm just saving off a reference to the 'original' __init__
method and replacing it with my __init__
that calls the original and my additional function. It looks similar to this:
orig_init = cls.__init__
def new_init(self, *args, **kwargs):
'Extend' wrapped class' __init__ so we can attach to all signals
orig_init(self, *args, **kwargs)
cls.__init__ = new_init
Is there a better way to 'augment' the original __init__
or inject my call somewhere else? All I really need is for my self._debugSignals()
to be called sometime after the object is created. I also want it happen automatically, which is why I thought after __init__
was a good place.
It might be worth mentioning some background on this decorator. You can find the full code here. The point of the decorator is to automatically attach to any PyQt signals and print when they are emitted. The decorator works fine when I decorate my own subclasses of QtCore.QObject
, however I've been recently trying to automatically decorate all QObject children.
I'd like to have a 'debug' mode in the application where I can automatically print ALL signals just to make sure things are doing what I expect. I'm sure this will result in TONS of debug, but I'd still like to see what's happening.
The problem is my current version of the decorator is causing a segfault when replacing QtCore.QObject.__init__
. I've tried to debug this, but the code is all SIP generated, which I don't have much experience with.
So, I was wondering if there was a safer, more pythonic way to inject a function call AFTER the __init__
and hopefully avoid the segfault.
Based on this post and this answer, an alternative way to do this is through a custom metaclass. This would work as follows (tested in Python 2.7):
# define a new metaclass which overrides the "__call__" function
class NewInitCaller(type):
def __call__(cls, *args, **kwargs):
"""Called when you call MyNewClass() """
obj = type.__call__(cls, *args, **kwargs)
return obj
# then create a new class with the __metaclass__ set as our custom metaclass
class MyNewClass(object):
__metaclass__ = NewInitCaller
def __init__(self):
print "Init class"
def new_init(self):
print "New init!!"
# when you create an instance
a = MyNewClass()
>>> Init class
>>> New init!!
The basic idea is that:
when you call MyNewClass()
it searches for the metaclass, finds that you have defined NewInitCaller
The metaclass __call__
function is called.
This function creates the MyNewClass
instance using type
The instance runs its own __init__
(printing "Init class").
The meta class then calls the new_init
function of the instance.