I'm trying to install Blueprint with Compass but it's not working.
I search on different websites/forums and I'm not finding my answer.
My issue:
$ gem install compass-blueprint
Fetching: compass-blueprint-0.0.1.gem (100%)
Successfully installed compass-blueprint-0.0.1
1 gem installed
$ compass frameworks
Available Frameworks & Patterns:
* compass
- compass/ellipsis - Plugin for cross-browser ellipsis truncated text.
- compass/extension - Generate a compass extension.
- compass/pie - Integration with http://css3pie.com/
- compass/project - The default project layout.
$ compass install blueprint
No such framework: "blueprint" // Understandable, the framework is not in the list
The blueprint framework is not available in the list of frameworks of compass.
I'm using Compass 0.13.alpha.4
Any idea to install it?
Blueprint was removed from compass in 0.13.