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How to print AFNetworking request as RAW data

For debuging purposes I'd want to print whole request body. I'm using AFHTTPClient. printing client gives some information, like headers but post/get params are not there.

IS there a way to do it?


  • Built-in AFNetworking tools

    For AFNetworking 1.x, use AFHTTPRequestOperationLogger.

    For AFNetworking 2.x, use AFNetworkActivityLogger.

    These tools both use the NSNotification broadcast by AFNetworking to log request and response data to the console. The amount of information to be displayed is configurable, and they can be configured to ignore certain operations.

    Examination in Xcode without these tools

    HTTP Requests (outgoing data)

    If you want to examine the body of an outgoing request, look at the NSURLRequest's HTTPBody parameter, which is a property on your AFHTTPRequestOperation.

    For example, in the method -[AFHTTPClient getPath: parameters: success: failure:], after the request is made, you can type this into the debugger:

    po [[NSString alloc] initWithData:request.HTTPBody encoding:4]

    4 is NSUTF8StringEncoding, as defined in NSString.h.

    The NSURLRequest's HTTPMethod parameter provides the method (GET, POST, PUT, etc.) as an NSString.

    HTTP Responses (incoming data)

    When your server responds, your success completion block is passed an AFHTTPRequestOperation object (called operation by default). You can:

    • p (int)[[operation response] statusCode] to see the status code
    • po [[operation response] allHeaderFields] to see the headers
    • po [operation responseString] to see the response body
    • po [operation responseObject] to see the response object (which may be nil if it couldn't be serialized)