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JTemplates format Date using mvc

I have the following JSON date returned from a MVC page e.g.


and I am using JTemplates to process the data as below.


This is my results template

<script type="text/html" id="TemplateResultsTable">    
<h3>{$T[0].StatusName} - Found: {$T.length} </h3>
        <th>Date Processed</th>
    {#foreach $T as match}

All works great apart from the fact that my date is outputted on the page as /Date(1258125238090)/

How do I format the date inside my results template?


  • Answer below in case anybody else searches this post...

    Add the following JScript....

    function formatJSONDate(jsonDate) {
        var date = eval(jsonDate.replace(/\/Date\((\d+)\)\//gi, "new Date($1)"));
        return dateFormat(date, "ddd ddS mmm yyyy");

    download a javascript date format library then in your jTemplate template add


    And that's that!