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How write friendly url for different language MVC4 C#

I need your help to understand how can I have an URL in french and one in english that redirect to the same controller in MVC4?

In other words, I have a controller Speciality which have a controller MoreOption

public ActionResult MoreOption()

So we can access this controller via http://{domainname}/Speciality/MoreOption.Now I need to access this controller in french language http://{domainname}/nos-specialites/options-supplementaires. I do not need to write an other controller class because it's the same code I use to show that page.


  • Actually, this is quite simple if I understand you correctly.

    You just have 2 action methods, The English one and the French one that load the same model in the same controller. However, if you have 2 names for the same controller, you could achieve this with routing configuration.

                name: "FrenchControllerName",
                url: "Home/{controller}/{action}/{id}",
                defaults: new {area="Home",controller = "EnglishControllerName", action = "Index", id = UrlParameter.Optional }