I have a UITableView called Facebook that contents two buttons, sometimes only is necesary show one button, but I have a problem because there are a empty space and this is not pretty in my app. I want resize this view but, nothing happens, only the FacebookButtonLogin is hidden, but the view is not resized.
-(void) viewDidLoad
self.FacebookButtonLogin.hidden = YES;
CGRect newSize = self.Facebook.frame;
newSize.origin.x = 0;
newSize.origin.y = 0;
newSize.size.width = self.cellFacebook.frame.size.width;
newSize.size.height = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() ? 48 : 48;
//[[self Facebook]setFrame:newSize];
self.Facebook.frame = newSize;
Thanks in advance!
The height a particular row is controlled by the method tableView:heightForRowAtIndexPath:
of you UITableViewDelegate. You cannot manually change the size of a cell, it is resized by the TableView to the cell size (tableView width and row height) when it layouts its subviews.
On another point, what it the point of this line:
newSize.size.height = UI_USER_INTERFACE_IDIOM() ? 48 : 48;
It sets the same value and compares the idiom to 0 instead of iPhone or iPad (one of them might have the value 0, so the check might be working for now, but using the constants is better).