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Bean Validation for exact string match

  1. I want to validate a string for exact match in bean validation. Should I use @Pattern or is there a different method to do so?
  2. If @Pattern is the way to go, what is the regex?
  3. Can I use two @Pattern annotation for two different groups on a same field?


  • I want to validate a string for exact match in bean validation. Should I use @Pattern or is there a different method to do so?

    You could either use @Pattern or implement a custom constraint very easily:

    @Constraint(validatedBy = MatchesValidator.class)
    public @interface Matches {
        String message() default "com.example.Matches.message";
        Class<?>[] groups() default {};
        Class<? extends Payload>[] payload() default {};
        String value();

    With the validator like this:

    public class MatchesValidator implements ConstraintValidator<Matches, String> {
        private String comparison;
        public void initialize(Matches constraint) {
            this.comparison = constraint.value();
        public boolean isValid(
            String value,
            ConstraintValidatorContext constraintValidatorContext) {
            return value == null || comparison.equals(value);

    If @Pattern is the way to go, what is the regex?

    Basically just the string you want to match, you only need to escape special characters such as [\^$.|?*+(). See this reference for more details.

    Can I use two @Pattern annotation for two different groups on a same field?

    Yes, just use the the @Pattern.List annotation:

        @Pattern( regex = "foo", groups = Group1.class ),
        @Pattern( regex = "bar", groups = Group2.class )