I have sth like this:
<a4j:repeat value="#{results}" var="hdr" rowKeyVar="idx">
<rich:dataTable var="item" value="#{results}" id="tbl#{idx}" first="#{idx}" rows="1">
<a4j:commandButton value="update this table only" reRender="tbl#{idx}" />
When I check from the output html, the data table has id like form:0:tbl that has no idx at the end.
The reRender will work when there is only one row in the results.
So here comes some questions:
In fact I have successfully reRendered the whole a4j:repeat block surrounded by s:div. But refreshing the whole block would reset the scrollbar so it isn't desired....
Okay latest experiment shows that simply using the rich:dataTable id can do.
Keys to remember:
Conclusion, think too much, failed to try the simplest solution at the start.