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Auto-generate isCrossRef in schema.xml

I'm currently developing a modular site with silex, propel and twig. It is my intention to create an installer project on top of it so I can easily create new projects based on my "core" project.

My database has some many-to-many table which require the isCrossRef attribute in my schema.xml. When reverse engineering my MySql database Propel can't determine which tables are crossRef. I get that, but now I was wondering if I could alter the schema.xml generation.

Lets says If I add a comment to the tables that need this isCrossRef attribute, then where in the Propel source code would I be able to read out this comment and add the required IsCrossRef to the generated schema.xml ?


  • After reading some of the source code I found the answer myself :

    If u want to accomplish this u will need the modify the file : MysqlSchemaParser.php, located at : propel1/generator/lib/reverse/mysql (when installed with composer)

    Alter the recordset at line 99 to :

    while ($row = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_NUM)) {
        $name = $row[0];
        $type = $row[1];
        if ($name == $this->getMigrationTable() || $type != "BASE TABLE") {
            Edit : Find out if table isCrossRef 
        $commentStmt = $this->dbh->query("show table status like '".$name."'");
        $commentRow  = $commentStmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_OBJ);
        $isCrossRef = (strtolower($commentRow->Comment) == 'iscrossref');
            End of edit
        if ($task) {
            $task->log("  Adding table '" . $name . "'", Project::MSG_VERBOSE);
        $table = new Table($name);
        $table->setIsCrossRef($isCrossRef); /*EDIT : set is crossref to true*/
        $tables[] = $table;