I accidentally installed python 2.7 again on my mac (mountain lion), when trying to install scipy using macports:
sudo port install py27-scipy
---> Computing dependencies for py27-scipy
---> Dependencies to be installed: SuiteSparse gcc47 cctools cctools-headers llvm-3.3 libffi llvm_select cloog gmp isl gcc_select ld64 libiconv libmpc mpfr libstdcxx ppl glpk zlib py27-nose nosetests_select py27-setuptools python27 bzip2 db46 db_select gettext expat ncurses libedit openssl python_select sqlite3 py27-numpy fftw-3 swig-python swig pcre
I am still using my original install of python (and matplotlib and numpy etc), without scipy. How do I remove this new version? It is taking up ~2Gb space.
How about sudo port uninstall python27