Inspired by my C# implementation of generic Strategy pattern I want to do the same in Scala. I want also make some functional programming to encapsulate Strategy algorithms inside a inherited class. So what I've done yet is:
trait Strategy {
type T <: Strategy
type O
def Call(victim: T): O = {
var strategy: (this.T => this.O)
This is a trait which is a base of scaldfolding. I have also a StrategyFactory
case class StrategyFactory[T <: Strategy, O](str: T) {
def Call(x: (T => O)) = x(str)
object StrategyFactory {
And finally in my code I can create concrete Strategy:
class DownloadStrategy(path: String) extends Strategy {
type T = DownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (dw: DownloadStrategy) => path + "aaaa"
object DownloadStrategy {
def apply(s: String) = new DownloadStrategy(s)
In my application code I have this:
var ds = DownloadStrategy("j")
val m = StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds)
var output = m.Call(ds.strategy)
Here works everything good.
I want to have functional strategies thus there is m.Call(ds.strategy)
But It is very dummy design because I cannot create a set of classes which will be extending DownloadStrategy
. For example:
class ImageDownloadStrategy(w: String, h: String, path: String) extends DownloadStrategy(path){
type T = ImageDownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (ids: T) => path + ":ImageDownloadStrategy"
class VideoDownloadStrategy(w: String, h: String, path: String) extends DownloadStrategy(path){
type T = VideoDownloadStrategy
type O = String
strategy = (ids: T) => path + ":VideoDownloadStrategy"
And so on. Basically I want to have one base class of some default strategy and subclasses are more specific implementations.
This brings me to application code where I would like to code something like this:
var ds: DownloadStrategy = null
request.getQueryString("t") match {
case "1" => ds = ImageDownloadStrategy("","","")
case "2" => ds = VideoDownloadStrategy("","","")
case "3" => ds = RawFileDownloadStrategy("","","")
case _ => ds = DownloadStrategy("")
var output = (StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds)).Call(ds.strategy)
I thought that when I write StrategyFactory[DownloadStrategy, String](ds)
the compiler will be so smart enought that can figure if ImageDownloadStrategy
is subclass of DownloadStrategy
will could allow me to do some polimorphic calls but i cannot do it.
Another fact is that I need to overrides type T
and type O
in delivered class from DownloadStrategy
but I dont have any idea how to do it.
Please give me some advices how to model this kind of behaviour.
EDIT(for pagoda_5b details)
As I have mentioned I have functional var strategy
in trait Strategy
which is var strategy: (this.T => this.O)
. This variable need to be overriden in classes implementing this trait. Also I have 2 generic types which T
means subclass of concrete strategy and O
indicate result type from def Call(...)
What I want to achive is having functional strategies inside subclass of Strategy and then make polimorphic calls. Here I have got DownloadStrategy
which is default strategy and I have some subclasses with specicif algorithms. I want cast ImageDownloadStrategy
to DownloadStrategy
and use it as I showed in switch case statement.
Ok, I'll try to take a shot.
Since you can have function objects, you probably can simply do without any of the machinery of a Strategy
hierarchy or factory whatsoever.
You can for example
//this is sort of a factory
object Strategies {
//a type alias to better define your selected functions
type Strategy[T, O] = T => O
//a set of methods to obtain the correct strategy "on demand"
def imageDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":ImageDownloadStrategy"
def videoDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":VideoDownloadStrategy"
def rawFileDownload[T](w: String, h: String, path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + ":RawDownloadStrategy"
//this is the fallback default
def download[T](path: String): Strategy[T, String] =
(t: T) =>
path + "aaaa"
object Client {
//make the strategies visible
import Strategies._
//processes the request
def process(request: Request): String = {
//here val means that the strategy variable won't be reassigned, ever
val strategy = selectStrategy[T](request.getQueryString("t")) //here we miss the type of the input value
//this assignment could be omitted if it's just returned
val output = strategy(??) //Here I'm missing the input to the strategy
//a method to select the strategy to use
def selectStrategy[T](selector: String): Strategy[T, String] =
selector match {
case "1" => imageDownload("","","")
case "2" => videoDownload("","","")
case "3" => rawFileDownload("","","")
case _ => download("")
As you can see, I'm missing what is the input value passed from the request to the strategy, so there are a couple holes in the process
I don't know if this is what you need, but it could give you an idea why the strategy pattern is not so useful in functional languages, but rather needlessly cumbersome.
Finally I found time to post real life example of downloading strategy in playframework.
object Download{
object Type extends Enumeration {
type Type = Value
val Image = "1"
val Video = "2"
val Pdf = "3"
val File = "4"
object Strategies {
type Strategy[T, O] = T => O
def imageDownload[T](): Strategy[T,] =
(t: T) => {
//Receive download strategy information
val dw = t.asInstanceOf[DownloadStrategy]
//juicy code goes here"", "")
def videoDownload[T](): Strategy[T,] =
(t: T) =>"", "")
def rawFileDownload[T](): Strategy[T,] =
(t: T) =>"", "")
//this is the fallback default
def download[T](): Strategy[T,] =
(t: T) => {"", "")
//a method to select the strategy to use
def selectStrategy[T](selector: String): Strategy[T,] =
selector match {
case Download.Type.Image => {
case Download.Type.Video => {
case Download.Type.Pdf => {
case Download.Type.File => {
case _ => download()
case class DownloadStrategy(request: Request[AnyContent], path: String, file: Option[File]) {
//Controller code
def download(path: String) = Action {
implicit request =>
val file: Option[File] = FileStore.byPath(path, true)
val ds = DownloadStrategy(request, path, file)
//request.getQueryString("t") - Download type
val str = Strategies.selectStrategy[DownloadStrategy](request.getQueryString("t").getOrElse(""))
val x = str(ds)
content = x