I wrote an application to transfer records as reading from Sybase Ase database and writing a new created local Sybase Asa database. There are nearly 110.000 records to transfer.
On my local machine, application runs successfully (Windows7- 32bit - 3GB ram) but on development server(Windows Server 2008 - 64bit - 8GB ram), Im getting "OUT OF MEMORY" error when my ;
Here my log flows;
And also this batch file for creating Local sybase asa database;
set dbToolsPath=%1
set dbDirectory=%2
set scriptsDirectory=%3
set dbNameWOExtension=%4
REM Add trailing back slashes if necessary
IF NOT %dbToolsPath:~-1%==\ SET dbToolsPath=%dbToolsPath%\
IF NOT %dbDirectory:~-1%==\ SET dbDirectory=%dbDirectory%\
IF NOT %scriptsDirectory:~-1%==\ SET scriptsDirectory=%scriptsDirectory%\
set mfgDBFilePath=%dbDirectory%%dbNameWOExtension%.db
set mfgDBLogFilePath=%dbDirectory%%dbNameWOExtension%.log
REM Following four lines can be moved to code
attrib -R %mfgDBFilePath%
del %mfgDBFilePath%
attrib -R %mfgDBLogFilePath%
del %mfgDBLogFilePath%
REM TODO: Add explanation about the switches
cd /d %scriptsDirectory%
**%dbToolsPath%dbinit.exe -n -p 4096 -z 1252LATIN1 %mfgDBFilePath%
%dbToolsPath%dbspawn.exe -p dbeng10 -n WfDBServer %mfgDBFilePath%
%dbToolsPath%dbisql.exe -c "eng=WfDBServer;dbn=%dbNameWOExtension%;uid=dba;pwd=sql" -nogui PE_WfDB_MFG.sql
%dbToolsPath%dbstop.exe -c "eng=WfDBServer;uid=dba;pwd=pluto" -y**
These are obtained knowledges but i can not understand why aborted the transfer with this error. Everything is ok on my machine, what can be different on server? Where i must look for problem? Also how i must comment the incrementation of private?
Most Probably the issue is due to wrong Platform (x86 I guess) in project Configuration. You can select AnyCPU or x64 as platform and rebuild the application.See the marked answer .NET Out Of Memory Exception - Used 1.3GB but have 16GB installed