I'm writing a query framework, and trying to make it as generic as possible.
Let's say I have a query based on person, and I want the ability to filter on both the first and last names, and in both cases I want to be able to use filter conditions like StartsWith
, 'EndsWith
, Contains
, Equals
So now I have a method:
private Expression<Func<Person, bool>> FirstNameFilter(Comparator comparator, string compareValue) {
switch (comparator) {
case Comparator.Equal:
return p => p.FirstName == compareValue;
case Comparator.Contains:
return p => p.FirstName.Contains(compareValue);
case Comparator.StartsWith:
return p => p.FirstName.StartsWith(compareValue);
// etc.
Now, I also want to be able to build the same filter for LastName. Seems silly and wasteful to copy and paste the whole thing over again, just replacing p.FirstName
with p.LastName
. I also have a bunch of other string fields that I want to filter on, and I really don't want to have to rewrite this whole method for each one!
Is there some way to abstract this, maybe using LinqKit, so that I can come out with a more generic method with the following approximate signature:
Expression<Func<Person, bool>> GetFilter(Expression<Func<Person, string>> stringExpression, Comparator comparator, string compareValue) {}
such that I could, inside FirstNameFilter
, invoke it like so:
return GetFilter(p => p.FirstName, comparator, compareValue);
Something like that (untested, but you have the idea) should help you to build the needed expressions :
public static class LinqQueries
private static MethodInfo toLowerMethod = typeof(String).GetMethod("ToLower", Type.EmptyTypes);
private static MethodInfo startsWithMethod= typeof(String).GetMethod("StartsWith", new Type[] { typeof(String) });
private static MethodInfo containsMethod = typeof(String).GetMethod("Contains", new Type[] { typeof(String) });
private static MethodInfo endsWithMethod= typeof(String).GetMethod("EndsWith", new Type[] { typeof(String) });
public static Expression<Func<T, bool>> GetFilter(Expression<Func<T, string>> expression, Comparator comparator, string compareValue) {
ParameterExpression parameterExpression = null;
var memberExpression = GetMemberExpression(expression.Body, out parameterExpression);
Expression constExp = Expression.Constant(compareValue);
switch (comparator) {
case Comparator.Contains:
memberExpression = Expression.Call(memberExpression, containsMethod,constExp);
case Comparator.StartsWith:
memberExpression = Expression.Call(memberExpression, startsWithMethod, constExp);
default :
memberExpression = Expression.Equal(memberExpression, constExp);
return Expression.Lambda<Func<T, bool>>(memberExpression, new[]{parameterExpression});
private static Expression GetMemberExpression(Expression expression, out ParameterExpression parameterExpression)
parameterExpression = null;
if (expression is MemberExpression)
var memberExpression = expression as MemberExpression;
while (!(memberExpression.Expression is ParameterExpression))
memberExpression = memberExpression.Expression as MemberExpression;
parameterExpression = memberExpression.Expression as ParameterExpression;
return expression as MemberExpression;
if (expression is MethodCallExpression)
var methodCallExpression = expression as MethodCallExpression;
parameterExpression = methodCallExpression.Object as ParameterExpression;
return methodCallExpression;
return null;