I've not been using C++ for about 4 years and came back to it a month ago, and that was where I also have first heard about the CLI extension. I still have to get used to it, but this website helps a lot! Thank you!! Anyway, I couldn't find an answer to the following problem:
When I declare a variable
int iStack;
then it is declared but not defined, so it can have any value like
iStack = -858993460
depending on what the value at the stack position is, where the variable is created.
But when I declare a variable on the heap
int^ iHeap
then as far as I know the handle is created but the variable is not instantiated (don't know if you call it instantiation here) or defined and I can only see
iHeap = <Nicht definierter Wert> (which means <undefined value>)
Is there any way to detect if this value is defined?
I particularly don't need it for int, but for example for
array<array<c_LocationRef^,2>^>^ arrTest2D_1D = gcnew array<array<c_LocationRef^,2>^>(2);
to find out if the elements of the outer or inner array are instantiated (I'm sure here it is an instantiation ;-) )
arrTest2D_1D = {Length=2}
[0] = {Length=20}
[1] = <Nicht definierter Wert> (=<undefined value>)
As far as I know, the CLR automatically initialise your variables and references in C++ CLI.
In .NET, the Common Language Runtime (CLR) expressly initializes all variables as soon as they are created. Value types are initialized to 0 and reference types are initialized to null.
To detect if your variable is initialised, you should compare the value of your hat variable to nullptr :
int^ iHeap;
if(iHeap == nullptr){
Console::WriteLine(L"iHeap not initialised");
This works on my VS2010 ; it outputs iHeap not initialised
It should work for your specific problem as well (arrays).
By the way, value types are initialised to zero hence your first example should output 0 (I've tested it, and it does output 0) :
int iStack;
Console::WriteLine(L"iStrack = {0}", iStack); // outputs 0
Quote is from codeproject
MSDN page for nullptr
EDIT: Here is an other quote, from Microsoft this time :
When you declare a handle it is automatically initialized with null, so it will not refer to anything.
Quote from MSDN see the paragraph "Tracking Handles"