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Timevar Date for googleVis MotionChart R

Data set i am using is shown below. It is a csv file.

 Date            Subject       val1       val2       val3
    2010-05-01        12         -0.6155     0.5083     2.6286
    2010-06-03        13          0.96416    0.785      1.41
    2010-07-01        14          0.9578     1.258      0.579
    2010-08-01        15          1.249      1.879      0.268

I am trying to visualize the data be gvisMotionchart.

My code is:-


After executing this code i get error message which says

Error in testTimevar(x[[options$data$timevar]], options$data$date.format) : 
  The timevar has to be of numeric or Date format. Currently it is  factor

Any help to get out of this.

Thanks in advance


  • The error tells you exactly what is wrong:

    test <- read.table(text="Date            Subject       val1       val2       val3
        2010-05-01        12         -0.6155     0.5083     2.6286
        2010-06-03        13          0.96416    0.785      1.41
        2010-07-01        14          0.9578     1.258      0.579
        2010-08-01        15          1.249      1.879      0.268",header=TRUE)
    > str(test$Date)
     Factor w/ 4 levels "2010-05-01","2010-06-03",..: 1 2 3 4

    See the Factor w/ 4 levels? You need a Date instead.


    test$Date <- as.Date(test$Date)


    > str(test$Date)
     Date[1:4], format: "2010-05-01" "2010-06-03" "2010-07-01" "2010-08-01"

    Alternatively you can specify you want a Date output for the specific variable when reading in the csv using the colClasses option:

    test <- read.csv(