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Error in parsing Aramex WSDL file

When I'm trying to parse the Aramex shipping services WSDL (which is needed to create shipments), a namespace error occurs with following error log:

C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_37\bin>wsimport.exe -keep -verbose D:\ATG\aramex\shipping-services-api-wsdl\shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl -d D:\ATG\aramex\java\
parsing WSDL...

[WARNING] src-resolve.4.2: Error resolving component 'ser:guid'. It was detected that 'ser:guid' is in namespace '', but components from this namespace are not referenceable from schema document 'file:/D:/ATG/aramex/shipping-services-api-wsdl/shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl#types?schema1'. If this is the incorrect namespace, perhaps the prefix of 'ser:guid'
needs to be changed. If this is the correct namespace, then an appropriate 'import' tag should be added to 'file:/D:/ATG/aramex/shipping-services-api-wsdl/shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl#types?schema1'.
  line 331 of file:/D:/ATG/aramex/shipping-services-api-wsdl/shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl#types?schema1

[ERROR] Two declarations cause a collision in the ObjectFactory class.
  line 126 of file:/D:/ATG/aramex/shipping-services-api-wsdl/shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl

[ERROR] (Related to above error) This is the other declaration.
  line 57 of file:/D:/ATG/aramex/shipping-services-api-wsdl/shipping-services-api-wsdl.wsdl

How can I get rid of the error?


  • OK i resolved it. I changed one declaration and after the it worked.