I'm trying to escape &
so that I can use js to redirect the user
//first try
location.replace('//<xsl:call-template name="domainLocator"></xsl:call-template><xsl:value-of select="$dotNetAppFolder" />/Display?page=splash_device&xpf=android');
//second try
<xsl:text disable-output-escaping="yes" >/Display?page=splash_device&xpf=android</xsl:text>
Desired Outcome
So, the problem seems simple to me, I just want to escape the & so my page won't throw an error.
NB: Also, I know this question has been asked before, but there was no accepted question and it is 4 years old. Thought somebody must know an answer or if its not possible.
This think this is a simple one.
Try using:
instead of:
Hope that helps!