I try to create a drop-down list from a database that contains the main items and their child items. I want the main items to become optgroup labels and the child items the option items.
<optgroup label="$rs_pa['Name']">
<option value="$rs_ch['Link']">$rs_ch['Name']</option>
<option value="$rs_ch['Link']">$rs_ch['Name']</option>
<optgroup label="$rs_pa['Name']">
<option value="$rs_ch['Link']">$rs_ch['Name']</option>
<option value="$rs_ch['Link']">$rs_ch['Name']</option>
The above is just a scheme to show where each variable should fit..
$rs_pa['Name] - is the name of the parent item.
$rs_ch['Name] - is the name of the child item.
$rs_ch['Link'] - is the link of the child item.
This is the code I have right now:
$mysql_table_items = "sys_menu_top";
$mysql_table_options = "sys_options";
$mysql_result_number = mysql_query("SELECT VALUE FROM $mysql_table_options WHERE Name LIKE 'nav_menu_elements_on_line_usr'") or die($myQuery . "<br/><br/>" . mysql_error());
$mysql_select_parent = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table_items WHERE `Parent` = '0' AND Type LIKE 'top' AND Active = 1 ORDER BY `Order` ASC";
$mysql_select_child = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table_items WHERE `Parent` = '" . $rs_pa['ID'] . "' AND Active = 1 ORDER BY `Order` ASC";
$mysql_result_number = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_number, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
$mysql_result_parent = mysql_query($mysql_select_parent) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
$mysql_result_child = mysql_query($mysql_select_child) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
$output .= "<select>";
while ($rs_pa = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_parent)) {
$output .= "<optgroup label='" . $rs_pa['Name'] . "'>";
while ($rs_ch = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_child)) {
$output .= "<option value='" . $rs_ch['Link'] . "'>" . $rs_ch['Name'] . "</option>";
$output .= "</optgroup>";
$output .= "</select>";
echo $output;
The prblem is that this doesn't show right.. I tried everything but I am not so good with php.. Thank you for any help..
You are referencing to $rs_pa['ID']
on this line:
$mysql_select_child = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table_items WHERE `Parent` = '" . $rs_pa['ID'] . "' AND Active = 1 ORDER BY `Order` ASC";
Are you sure $rs_pa['ID']
is defined at that point?
Something like this should work better:
$mysql_table_items = "sys_menu_top";
$mysql_table_options = "sys_options";
$mysql_result_number = mysql_query("SELECT VALUE FROM $mysql_table_options WHERE Name LIKE 'nav_menu_elements_on_line_usr'") or die($myQuery . "<br/><br/>" . mysql_error());
$mysql_select_parent = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table_items WHERE `Parent` = '0' AND Type LIKE 'top' AND Active = 1 ORDER BY `Order` ASC";
$mysql_result_number = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_number, MYSQL_ASSOC) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
$mysql_result_parent = mysql_query($mysql_select_parent) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
$output = "<select>";
while ($rs_pa = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_parent))
$output .= "<optgroup label='" . $rs_pa['Name'] . "'>";
$mysql_select_child = "SELECT * FROM $mysql_table_items WHERE `Parent` = '" . $rs_pa['ID'] . "' AND Active = 1 ORDER BY `Order` ASC";
$mysql_result_child = mysql_query($mysql_select_child) or die("Error: Query Failed! " . mysql_error());
while ($rs_ch = mysql_fetch_array($mysql_result_child))
$output .= "<option value='" . $rs_ch['Link'] . "'>" . $rs_ch['Name'] . "</option>";
$output .= "</optgroup>";
$output .= "</select>";
echo $output;
Some further improvements could be made:
and switch to PDO (http://php.net/manual/en/ref.pdo-mysql.php) which is more secure. The mysql_query
functions are deprecated starting from PHP 5.5.0 anyway.