You can see the problem here
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I am using Jasny bootstrap fileupload plugin. I have a form in which this plugin is used. The form submits to a php file in which the $_FILES array is manipulated.
In the code above I have used jQuery form plugin to view live preview of form submission. The php is just doing one thing: print_r($_FILES)
It is working great except when the following series of action occurs, the $_FILES array is empty:
How to fix this?
If user does not clear form first but loads a new file directly then array is not empty. However every user will not do this so I want to solve the given problem.
Looks like a race condition. The fileupload plugin clears the name of the <input type="file">
and sets an <input type="hidden">
to tell the server the difference between pressing clear or submit without a change in a normal form. However in your case, you don't want this behaviour.
For a quick and dirty fix, always set the name of the <input type="file">
on change.
$('#filep').on('change', function() { $(this).attr('name', 'filep') });