In terms of:
Which of the following two methods will be better?
I want to create a general page layout, however, the frontpage will look different from the normal look and feel.
Method 1
Creating a normal page.tpl.php file but with the following code in it:
<?php if (isFront()) {
// lots of stuff for the frontpage
// lots of stuff for the other pages
Method 2
Creat two distinct pages, namely page.tpl.php and front.tpl.php. Code will be duplicated, but the frontpage and other pages will each have their own dedicated file.
I would say that method 2 is better. I think speed will not be greatly affected either way, and there are no strict standards about this, but excessive branching in template files is discouraged.
However I would be interested to see what the homepage specific code is. Drupal will give the front page a "front" css class so it can be styled differently and blocks can be created to display only on the front page. So there may not be a need for a specific front page template.