i got a large branch of Types that all got the same superclass and interface.
SuperClass: AbstractPackage Interface: IPackage
Types made with this.
i use Activator.CreateInstance to create a new instance of the packages, depending og the pattern, recieved from a UDP bytestream.
i got all the registered packages, in a New Dictionary(Of UInt32, Type).
the Uint32 is the package number (0-723) and the Type, is any of the Package0 - Package723 Types.
problem is, that Activator.CreateInstance creates any type of class, and i was wondering if i could narrow the scope Down?
i wanted to make the Dictionary(and Activator.CreateInstance) to only accept Packages. is that posable? thanks
i made a sligth change as Hans Passant pointed out for me, i might have been overthinking it.
here is my new method ( i still need to add all the classes Again, but now i atleast know what types it generate.
Public Function getPackage(ByVal bytes() As Byte) As APackage
Dim pkgbytes As Byte() = New Byte(3) {}
Dim o As Integer = 0
For i As Integer = 8 To 11
pkgbytes(o) = bytes(i)
o += 1
Dim package As APackage
Dim iT As UInt32 = UByteChunk.getUInt32(pkgbytes)
Select Case iT
Case 0
'0 Acknowledge
package = New Package0(bytes)
Case 152
'152 EventCall
package = New Package152(bytes)
Case 157, 162, 165, 166
' 157 Event Extension
' 162 Event Delta Call
' 165
' 166 Event Call Logging
package = New PackageCall(bytes)
Case 174
'174 Event Targeting
package = New Package174(bytes)
Case 187, 188
'187 SIP Rx
'188 SIP Tx
package = New PackageSIP(bytes)
Case 93, 501, 502, 626
'93 Version
'501 Info
'502 Info 2
'626 License
package = New PackageText(bytes)
Case 563
'563 System Endpoint
package = New Package563(bytes)
Case Else
package = New PackageDefault(bytes)
End Select
Return package
End Function