I'm having some problems understanding how the image types in PerlTk work.
I basically want a way to create an "empty" image (for example fully white) and then manipulate the pixel data. I need to able to change a pixel to black or white.
I've tried a few approaches but non of them seem to work. Documentation seems to be pretty scarce and very old. This is closest I've got.
#args name, width, height, data
my $bitmap = $mw->DefineBitmap('cells', 1, 1, pack("b1", "1"));
#args x-pos, y-pos, bitmap-name
$canvas->createBitmap(0, 0, -bitmap => 'cells');
Another idea I had was to use a Photo element but I couldn't find any documentation on how to create one with the "-data" option.
Any help is appreciated.
Use the put()
method if you have to set single pixels. Here's a complete example:
use Tk;
my $mw = tkinit;
my $p = $mw->Photo(-width => 100, height => 100);
my $l = $mw->Label(-image => $p, -border => 0)->pack;
for (0..99) {
$p->put("#000000", -to => $_,$_);
$p->put("#000000", -to => 100-$_,$_);