Im trying to set up an online test, using a visualforce page that pulls data from 3 objects in salesforce COPE_Tests__C
, COPE_Questions__C
, and COPE_Options__c
. Once the user selects the specific test, I thought I would be able to make a call like this to get all the other data:
questions = [select id, name, question_body__c,
(select id, name, option_body__c from COPE_options__r order by name ASC)
from COPE_questions__c where COPE_test__c = :tid];
And then use apex:repeat
and apex:selectRadio/apex:selectOption
to generate the actual test form. But for some reason it would not render the radioboxes. So it would seem I need to create selectOption lists and then use apex:selectOptions. But im not sure how to set this up . How can I have it create a public list<selectOption>
automatically for each question?
Is there a way to set up an array of list<selectOption>
I don't know about creating it automatically but going over your question object in a loop should be pretty easy, something over the lines of
List<List<SelectOption> options = new List<List<SelectOption>;
for(COPE_Questions__C q : questions){
List<SelectOption> list = new List<SelectOption>();
for(COPE_options__r op : q.COPE_options__r){
list.add(new SelectOption(, op.option_body__c);
Hope it helps.