I wanted have implicit conversion in two level. The following code snippet is prototype of the problem I am facing.
class A
void print()
std::cout <<"Class A"<< std::endl;
operator int()
return 1;
class B
void print()
std::cout <<"Class B"<< std::endl;
operator A()
return A();
class C
void print()
std::cout <<"Class C"<< std::endl;
operator B()
return B();
void print_(A a)
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
C c;
//print_( c ); // compilation error
//print_( C() ); // compilation error
print_( c.operator framework::configuration::B() ); //when explicitly invoked it worked
return 0;
I looked into the example provided in the following links was convinced this is achievable.
The standard only allows one implicit conversion involving a user defined type. You have two, hence the compilation error.
See 12.3/4
At most one user-defined conversion (constructor or conversion function) is implicitly applied to a single value.