Fairly straightforward question - if I have a .framework
file, is there a command/tool that can be used to determine the SDK and Deployment Target versions used to create the framework?
Similarly, can this be performed on the application binary stored inside a .app file? I'm looking to automate a script that will go search a list of previously-built apps/frameworks, without having the original .xcodeproj
files, and determining their high/low supported OS versions.
To find out the SDK and Deployment Target of some binary you should explore the LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX load command. Use otool -l <some_binary>
to see load commands.
$otool -l my_binary
Load command 9
cmdsize 16
version 10.7
sdk 10.8
$otool -l /System/Library/Frameworks/CoreWLAN.framework/CoreWLAN
Load command 8
cmdsize 16
version 10.8
sdk 10.8
Example with piping to grep
otool -l my_binary | grep -A 3 LC_VERSION_MIN_MACOSX