I am working on the integration of a jquery uploader plugin with aws s3.I found a example for it on the community wiki .Now the example is written in the old sdk and I no more find those functions in the latest one.I tried to search for a list of comparison(as to which replaced which) but didn't find any.
I want to port the code to the new SDK as the Amazon guide itself says that they would be gradually moving towards using the new one.I would like to know if there's any list which comapares the two sdk's in terms of functions.
I am looking for these functions specifically
These are present in the plugin code which I need to change.
Also the plugin involves a lot of dependency(If I include one class I have to include an extended one or else each time). I want to reduce the dependency for the S3 class.Can anyone help me out with this?
Thank you
Yeah, anything new should use the 2.x version of the SDK.
These links should help: