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Handling more than 1024 sockets?

I'm working on a MMO game server project and I have a problem. That's select() method's limit. I want to handle more than 1024 socket I/O with a single thread. I want to make this with single thread because I've tried to make a multi-thread handling system. That system creates 3 thread (for example in 4 cores processor; 1 is main, 3 is select() handlers) that handles select() method but there is an other problem again, now our limit is gone to 3072 (1024 * 3) and that isn't a solution! After that idea, I want to make a non-blocking socket system, with this system I've called 2 different select method in 1 single thread like this; "select() select()". They returns in order and I can handle them in order. But there is an other problem I think. If I want to implement a thread like "while(true){ select() select()}" and select() methods (non-blocking) retuns, I'll overload CPU like a empty "while(true)" block. If I want to make a select() timeout, I can't handle bottom select() in realtime. Now I can't make a algorithm for that. Can anybody help me about this?

NOTE: I don't want to use poll-epoll-wsapoll etc. (poll cannot handle microseconds, it isn't fast as select!) and libevent like 3rd party libraries (I want to make my own!)

FINALLY SOLUTION (I think): I don't need to handle nanoseconds for a I/O operation because there is no sense to handle it. Poll is a good way to handle more than 1024 socket I/O. I'll research something for understanding MMO systems. And the last one is I'll make some tests and I'll try somethings before I ask a question :) Thanks!

EDIT: I'm new in this Q&A platform. Can you tell me what's wrong with my question after giving a negative point? :)


  • Using select is fundamentally wrong with this many (thousands) of connections. While select is usually faster when you have only a very small number of sockets (maybe tens,) it scales horribly to several thousand and more. Everywhere that I know of, select slows down linearly with the number of connections (it's even worse than that, but I wouldn't go into the details.)

    Even poll doesn't do much better than select at scaling to thousands of connections. It doesn't have select's (low) limit on the number of file descriptors you can poll, but it still scales linearly with the number of connections.

    What you really should use are platform-specific facilities like epoll and kqueue. They scale extremely better (usually O(1),) but obviously they aren't portable.

    I seriously suggest that you consider something like libev that is a portable, highly-tested and a thin wrapper around platform-specific facilities and services.

    This is because platform-specific methods (e.g. select, poll, epoll, kqueue, I/O completion ports, event ports, etc.) are different form each other and none of them is available on more than one or two platforms, or their limits and the details of their behaviors differ slightly. These facilities might even change from one version of an OS to the next (e.g. epoll on Linux 2.6.9, IIRC.)

    Even if you are not concerned with portability or future-proofing your code, such a library can provide you with more functionality and a nicer interface.

    Two more libraries you can try are libevent (a little larger and slower, but more features) and libuv (if you need Windows portability.)