The previous solutions working with MS Access did not pan out so I am trying this time with php.
I have this php file that opens a database, reads a list of records and creates an html file for each record, in their respective folder name (folder names also found in the record's fields)
The code seems to work but it doesn't go past the first record. I don't get any type of error message at all, so I am confused as to what the problem would be. I created the code out of many posts found here. The only thing I am wondering myself is whether the open and write functions (or whatever they are called) are in the correct sequence in the script. Perhaps the cause is something totally different.
Basically, what I am trying to do is for the script to create a "configuration" php file for each domain in its respective folder. The only difference between all the configuration files is the domainid field.
The table in the dbase is named domains. The fields are domainid which is an unique number; domain, which contains the domain name - e.g. - and it is used as the domain folder; and domaingroup, which is used as the "category" folder.
I changed all values for security purposes but the db connection works fine.
$db_name = "dbname";
$dbusername = "dbname";
$dbpassword = "password";
$server = "";
$connection = mysql_connect($server, $dbusername, $dbpassword) or die(mysql_error());
$db = mysql_select_db($db_name,$connection)or die(mysql_error());
$htmlquery = "select * from domains ORDER BY domain";
$htmlresult = mysql_query($htmlquery,$connection) or die(mysql_error());
$htmlinfo = mysql_fetch_array($htmlresult);
if ($htmlresult == 0) {
echo "<p>No Recourds Found</p>";
} else {
for ($i=0; $i <$htmlresult; $i++) {
$p = "<?php \n";
$p.= " //LS \n";
$p.= " define('Disable_Ads', 'No'); //Yes or No \n";
$p.= " define('Site_ID', ".$htmlinfo['domainid']."); \n";
$p.= " define('Short_Paragraph_Size',500);\n";
$p.= " define('Long_Paragraph_Size',1000);\n";
$p.= " ?> \n";
$htmlfolder = strtolower($htmlinfo['domaingroup']);
$htmldomain = strtolower($htmlinfo['domain']);
$a = fopen($htmlfolder."/".$htmldomain."/admin_config.php", 'w');
fwrite($a, $p);
echo $htmldomain." Completed <br />"; // TEMP - To try to see the looping of domain names
Replace your for loop with a while loop
while($htmlinfo = mysql_fetch_assoc($htmlresult) {
$p = "<?php \n";
$p.= " //LS \n";
$p.= " define('Disable_Ads', 'No'); //Yes or No \n";
$htmlfolder = strtolower($htmlinfo['domaingroup']);
$htmldomain = strtolower($htmlinfo['domain']);
Right now you are only fetching one row (you should also be calling mysql_fetch_assoc instead of mysql_fetch_array) so you are writing the same file x row times
Also please at very least upgrade to mysqli or preferably PDO as the mysql_* extension is deprecated