I'm trying to make a storage for my home server which is made by ZFS. I have only 1 SSD but by quick googling I found many people set ZIL on mirror-ed array. Only 1 SSD for ZIL is risk?
I understand I will lose some logs on ZIL when the SSD is broken. It's ok that small data will be lost because the storage is only for personal use. Without the lost logs can the raidz work well? For example, can I revert the raidz to the latest snapshot without the broken ZIL?
I'm using Debian 7.0 and ZFS on Linux 0.6.1.
You would need to check your zpool version, if it's >= 19 then it supports "Log device removal" or ZIL removal.
$ zpool upgrade -v
This system is currently running ZFS pool version 28.
The following versions are supported:
--- --------------------------------------------------------
1 Initial ZFS version
2 Ditto blocks (replicated metadata)
3 Hot spares and double parity RAID-Z
4 zpool history
5 Compression using the gzip algorithm
6 bootfs pool property
7 Separate intent log devices
8 Delegated administration
9 refquota and refreservation properties
10 Cache devices
11 Improved scrub performance
12 Snapshot properties
13 snapused property
14 passthrough-x aclinherit
15 user/group space accounting
16 stmf property support
17 Triple-parity RAID-Z
18 Snapshot user holds
19 Log device removal
20 Compression using zle (zero-length encoding)
21 Deduplication
22 Received properties
23 Slim ZIL
24 System attributes
25 Improved scrub stats
26 Improved snapshot deletion performance
27 Improved snapshot creation performance
28 Multiple vdev replacements
This means I have version 28 (>=19), thus, I can remove my ZIL device anytime from my pool. I doubt you'll break your single ZIL drive within a year or two unless you are performing synchronous writes all the time which your ZIL helps even out. There have been a lot of improvements on ZFS and from what I've read when your ZIL device breaks, the pool will simply revert to writing directly to the data pool. Of course, you can still rollback to a 'good' snapshot (do make sure you have snapshots).