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Is it possible to build a BB10 library which uses Qt classes

I'm looking into making some reusable components for use with BB10 Cascades apps. I can create static and shared libraries from the IDE's new project wizard, selecting shared/static library as the project type with basic functionality (such as a "Calculator" library) but would like to know if it's possible to use Qt/Cascades objects, even something as simple as QString would be good to start off with.

I don't create many libraries so excuse me if this seems overly simple. There are some guides on how to do what I'm after but they're all a bit out of date. One of the suggestions it to create a regular cascades project and alter the .pro file, but the entries to alter don't exist when creating a project with the current IDE.


  • It is. The real question is what is the easiest/best procedure? I came up with a way to do this with very early versions of Momentics, but it is way out of date now. The only value in that Blog post now is the link to a support forums post. Sadly I'm not sure how up to date that post is either.

    I haven't built any libraries with Qt classes for my current projects, but as the UI design settles down I do intend to do so. Have a read through those two links. If they don't help, let me know ad I'll see if I can free up some time to have another look at it sooner. Unless someone else gets there first.

    EDIT (Again):

    I decided to completely rewrite the procedure on my blog.

    Hope this helps.