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SQL Server - How many users do I *really* need?

I'm setting up an application, and I'm looking into purchasing a license for SQL Server. My question is pretty simple (though may have a complicated answer...)

How many users accounts do I really need, for SQL Server?

The way I see it, I'd give one master administration account, maybe 2 or 3 user accounts, and then one application-based account.

My application will likely have about 30-40 users, with the rare possibility of having 4-5 people being simultaneous users. But as I see it, I'd set up a BLL with the 30-40 accounts - and the BLL would have the SQL account, that all 30 accounts would use to query the DB through...

I'm just wondering what people's take on this is. Is that the way to go, or do I have the wrong idea of architecture here?


  • Your case is called Multiplexing ans is covered in the special considerations Using Middleware, Transaction Servers, and Multitiered Architecture:

    Sometimes organizations develop network scenarios that use various forms of hardware and/or software that reduce the number of devices or users that directly access or use the software on a particular server, often called "multiplexing" or "pooling" hardware or software. Use of such multiplexing or pooling hardware and/or software does not reduce the number of client access licenses (CALs) required to access or use SQL Server software. A CAL is required for each distinct device or user to the multiplexing or pooling software or hardware front end. This remains true no matter how many tiers of hardware or software exist between the server running SQL Server and the client devices that ultimately use its data, services, or functionality

    Bottom line: you need one CAL for every user, to a toal of 35-45 licenses.