I have a data table:
<h:dataTable binding="#{table}" value="#{chooseKittens.kittenList}">
<p:commandLink value="#{chooseKittens.kittenList[table.rowIndex]}" action="#{chooseKittens.petKitten}"/>
The dataTable is a of links that will take you to a different page. When I go to a different page, though, I want to save the value of the command link clicked so that I can display it in subsequent views. Is there a way to do this without SessionScope? I looked into t:saveState, but I'm not sure how to save just the variable clicked in a Datatable. If SessionScope is the only thing available, is there a way to make the kittenList in a different scope? (The kitten list should change when a new kitten is added in the database, so it should be in RequestScope or ViewScope).
If you want to share information between views there are two typically used alternatives you could consider.
Pass information to the next view as a GET parameter
In this case you'll use a JSF component generating a plain navigational link and attach a query parameter to that link, like in:
<h:link value="Next page" outcome="/view-kitten">
<f:param name="id" value="#{kitten.id}"/>
In the receiving page the parameter is available via:
<f:viewParam name="id" value="#{kittenBean.id}/>
More excellent information can be found in What can <f:metadata>
and <f:viewParam>
be used for?
Pass information to the redirected view using Flash
In this case you're performing a redirect in an action method of a command component and will attach necessary data to the target view using Flash
<h:commandButton value="Next page" action="#{bean.next}"/>
public String next() {
//do business job
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().put("kitten", selectedKitten);
return "/view-kitten?faces-redirect=true";
It will be available in the target view via EL with #{flash.kitten}
or programmatically with FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().getExternalContext().getFlash().get("kitten")
An extended example can be found in JSF2.0 - How to get the values in other jsf page's bean in request scope.
The last thing to note is: don't abuse HTTP session. You shouldn't pollute the session with information that belongs elsewhere.