I'm producing a series of tables in R that will include fractions once I report them in latex. To do this, I'm using the paste() function to apply the fraction command in r, however when I xtable it, it loses the "\f" in the beginning. Below is code. Do you know how to preserve the full function? Thanks
x <- as.vector(rbind(1, paste("\frac{",1, "}{", 2, "}", sep ="" )))
y <- as.vector(rbind(2, paste("\frac{", 2, "}{", 3, "}", sep ="" )))
table<- cbind(x,y)
Two things are needed; first, double the backslash, and second, turn off the usual text sanitizing function by passing identity
(which just returns the input).
> x <- as.vector(rbind(1, paste("\\frac{",1, "}{", 2, "}", sep ="" )))
> y <- as.vector(rbind(2, paste("\\frac{",2, "}{", 3, "}", sep ="" )))
> print(xtable(cbind(x,y)), sanitize.text.function=identity)
% latex table generated in R 3.0.1 by xtable 1.7-1 package
% Wed Jul 3 10:17:21 2013
& x & y \\
1 & 1 & 2 \\
2 & \frac{1}{2} & \frac{2}{3} \\