I'm trying to get user/password from Firebreath plugin with the use of NpapiBrowserHost.GetAuthenticationInfo method.
I need to do this for npapi based browsers (chrome / firefox / opera). So this is my code:
boost::shared_ptr<FB::Npapi::NpapiBrowserHost> npapihost =
char * username = NULL; uint32_t ulen = 0;
char * password = NULL; uint32_t plen = 0;
NPError err = npapihost->GetAuthenticationInfo("http",
&username, &ulen,
&password, &plen );
In Opera it works. In Chrome & Firefox it returns err = NPERR_GENERIC_ERROR, and ulen = 0, plen = 0 (username, password - bad ptr).
This code is executed from MypluginamePlugin::onPluginReady().
If you succeeded in getting credentials, please post code example.
PS Chrome according to chromium sources does not yet implement NPN_GetAuthenticationInfo https://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=23928
In Firefox I should use -1 instead of 80 for http (443 for https).
Simply speaking FF's password managing service stored all it's info inside a hashmap: Map entry = ( (key to auth. object) , (objects with single user auth. info) )
Each key is a string created as follows: (some pro stuff) + (scheme) + "://" + (host) + ":" + (port).
FF substituted INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTP_PORT = 80 (INTERNET_DEFAULT_HTTPS_PORT = 443) with -1 while creating new map entry.
In Opera initially all worked fine.
In Chrome browser-side endpoint function is not implemented since stub creation at 2009.
In IE npapihost is not available. Although I didn't even have to mess with login/password extraction because default CInternetSession (wininet package) constructor does it automatically.